distributeur français d’équipements et consommables pour l’industrie du Semiconducteur.

Prober Manipulator

Micrometric manipulators

MPI offers a wide variety of precise and backlash-free Micro Manipulators, to meet all measurement conditions. The range includes very compact positioners up to high resolution equipped with a digital micrometer for RF and mmW applications:

  • MP25: the smallest, dedicated to coaxial IV/CV and triaxial measurements at very low current.
  • MP40: the universal, allows precise coaxial IV/CV, triaxial measurements at ultra-low current and RF. Very compact with the 2 XY screws positioned at the back.
  • MP50: The Kelvin, perfectly suited to extremely precise coaxial IV/CV measurements, to ultra-low current triaxial measurements.
  • MP60: The RF, dedicated to precise and stable RF measurements. Available in MR and DM versions for higher accuracy requirements.
  • MP80: The mmW One, designed for precise and stable RF measurements, as well as broadband and high-frequency measurements.
  • PMP60: The programmable RF positioner, ideal for precise and stable RF measurements with motorized movements.
  • PMP80: The mmW programmable positioner, designed for precise and stable RF measurements, broadband and mmW measurements with motorized movements.
  • MP3X and MP4X: The large positioners, designed for load pull vector measurements with tuners and RF probes in direct mounting.


MPI offers a complete range accessories, including coaxial, triaxial, RF, high temperature Kelvin, high voltage and high current probe arms.

La Qualité de contact

Le mouvement Z, le fonctionnement ergonomique et les bases magnétiques avec un pouvoir de maintien extrêmement fort permettent un placement précis des pointes de test pour une qualité de contact élevée produisant des résultats de mesure inégalés.

Les Micro Manipulateurs MPI sont conçus avec une interface universelle compatible avec tous les bras portes pointes pour faciliter l'adaptation aux spécificités de l'application. La diversité des conceptions permet aux opérateurs de choisir les Micro Manipulateurs qui correspondent à leur habitude de travail, ce qui permet d'obtenir une compétence immédiate.

Les Micro Manipulateurs développés par MPI sont conçus sans compromis. La structure entièrement en acier carboné permet un contact stable sur de longues périodes et une précision de positionnement élevée.

Kelvin Arms

MPI offers a wide range of Kelvin probe arms.

The standard Kelvin holder has a unique self-leveling vertical tip that is isolated as close to the DUT as possible.

Optional models for ESD and low noise measurements are also available.

They set the new standard for accurate impedance or pulsed IV measurements with very low noise.

Kelvin test tips allow a novice user to make fast and accurate ultra-low impedance measurements. Replacement is extremely simple.

HT-Kelvin probes also offer unmatched capability for high temperature measurements up to 300°C. The LTM-Kelvin version is designed for long-term measurements and enables ATMT™ automated multi-temperature testing.

DC Flexible Arms

MPI DC Flexible Arms are explicitly designed to meet the specific requirements of product engineering, failure analysis and design validation applications. Simultaneous testing with probe boards, even at sub-zero temperatures, is possible thanks to the freely adjustable arm angles and lengths. At the same time, the design offers maximum stability for measuring small structures. The Non-50 Ohm cable-end option allows easy connection to e.g. oscilloscopes!

RF Arms

The RF probe arms enable easy and very convenient planarization of RF probes using the high-end Mitutoyo micrometer and direction indicators. The quick, tool-free tip height adjustment with the integrated graduated scale is a small example of the great ease of use of the different RF test tip technologies.

Each arm comes standard with two cable clamps, which guide the cables, even for dual-signal tips, without crushing them.

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