The HAST system (Highly Accelerated Stress Tets System) is pressurized temperature and humidity test equipment, allowing the rapid characterization, evaluation and qualification of increasingly complex microelectronic elements.
The equipment is composed of a patented heat generation system providing controlled temperature and humidity (at +/-2°C/-5%RH), while eliminating the effects of condensation on the elements under test.
Unlike traditional test equipment, the HAST uses high temperature (>100°C) in humidity conditions up to 100%, enabling much faster testing.
Benefits : significant time saving (process 10 to 40 times faster), resource saving, measurement reliability, ease of use.
HAST-1000 :
Humidity (RH): 50% to 100%
Temperature ranges :
From +105°C to +151°C at 100% RH
From 109°C to 159°C at 85% RH
From 125°C to 160°C at 50% RH
Up to 125°C to +179°C at 50% RH with high temperature option.
Options: ET-85/85 (85°C / 85% RH)
Pressure: up to 4 bars,
Room that can accommodate cards and modules (12 single-width cards or 6 double-width cards)
Color LCD touch screen,
Real-time display of measurements, …
Room dimensions: 36x60 cm
Equipment dimensions: 94x133x168 cm
HAST-6000 :
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